ECO Colliers will commercialize Warsaw Neopark

Neopark - courtyard
Yareal Poland ordered a commercialization of its office structure to Colliers company.

Neopark will be composed of two 4-floor buildings class A, the total area of which will amount to 24 000 sq. m. It will be located in Mokotów district at the crossroads of Wynalazek and Cybernetyki Streets. The complex will offer i.a. a conference hall, commercial and service points, restaurant and fitness zone. Moreover, running paths, changing-rooms, showers and bicycle parking will be intended for physically active tenants. Additionally, the motorized users of the complex will be able to benefit from 618 parking places, car wash and charging points for electrical cars. The central point of the complex will be a green courtyard.


Yareal Poland investment received BREEAM certificate on Excellent level. „Green” solutions which are planned in the structure include i.a. power supply only from renewable energy sources, minimalized water consumption, energy-saving lighting, recycling devices, window systems preventing from overheating of the building – says Dawid Wątorski from Colliers International. Undoubtedly, the solutions mentioned above will influence on optimization of exploitation costs of the structure and this fact will certainly please each tenant – he adds. The negotiations with potential tenants are currently being conducted.


The planned completion concerning the first stage of the structure of Yareal Poland, a partnership owned by Yareal International N.W., is envisaged on the third quarter of 2016.

Brak Oceny

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