PKP sells and invests

Renovated railway station in Opole
Renovated railway station in Opole
PKP SA is planning to obtain 300 million zlotys of income from sales of its investments in 2015. Moreover, the developer activity will be also continued.

PKP SA is one of the main holders of lands in Poland. The partnership has over 100 thousand ha of areas which are mainly intended for railway infrastructure, however, according to PKP – from 10 to 20 per cent of them may be regained. The portfolio of the property includes not only plots but also stations (2300 structures) and apartments (nearly 30 000).


Jarosław Bator, member of the board, says about sales plans of PKP SA – This year, we are going to repeat the result from 2014 which was very good. We sold properties for over 200 million zlotys including all sales we exceeded the limit of 300 million zlotys. We are planning to sell properties for over 300 million zlotys once again this year.


However, not all wastelands will come under the hammer. The daughter of PKP SA, which was founded at the end of the year – that is XCity Investment partnership will conduct its developer activity on their area. The perspective of earning a profit will decide about the kind of taken activities – developer or sales ones. According to PKP SA, XCity Investment will be able to independently gain financing on the market within two years, and the value of the portfolio of this young developer will total 24 billion zlotys till the end of 2018.


According to information included in the last annual report of PKP Group for the year 2013, 87,4 per cent (ca. 610 million zlotys) of total operational income of the partnership come from a commercial development of the property, that is tenancy, rental, housing and media.  


Brak Oceny

Tags: PKP S.A.
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