ECO Łódź with the first BREEAM In-Use certificate on Excellent level

Sterlinga Business Center
Sterlinga Business Center
Sterlinga Business Center (SBC) building, located at Sterlinga 8A Street in Łódź, received BREEAM In-Use International certificate in categories such as “Building Management” and “Asset” on “Excellent” level.

Sterlinga Business Center is the first and so far the only building in Łódź which may boast about BREEAM In-Use International certificate on Excellent level.


BREEAM In-Use certificate on Excellent level is the confirmation of high standards applied by Hines all over the world in the area of building and management of office structures with the care of tenants’ comfort and natural environment – admits Przemysław Iznerowicz, chairman in Hines Poland.


Solutions which had an impact on a positive result of the certificate are first and foremost: management of energy and other media in the building base on pro-environmental technical solutions, activities promoting alternative means of transport (bicycles, municipal transport and car sharing), ensuring the high level of comfort for tenants, including taking care of the quality of an internal environment, effectively management of waste, care for the highest standard of maintaining the building and its nearest surroundings.


The majority of solutions in the area of the structure’s management have been already applied in SBC but it did not have a form of properly written down procedures or documents. During conducting the certification we had to systemize what we have done since the beginning of the building’s functioning. Thanks to it, such high note was relatively easy for us to receive – says Tomasz Sasin, Sustainability Manager in Hines Poland.


WSP company was responsible for the conducting of the certification process in Sterlinga Business Center.


Sterlinga Business Center is one of not many buildings in Poland which received BREEAM New Construction and BREEAM In-Use certifications. The both certificates indicate how important is a well-balanced approach to the building from a design to usage. Decisions on a design level, assessed in New Construction certificate, enabled to receive a high grade in BREEAM In-Use certification. The building, which is equipped with pro-ecological and user-friendly solutions, will not be fully balanced if it is not properly managed and installed modern solutions are not used in a proper way. We had an occasion to verify this situation in Sterlinga Business Center. A double Excellent grade confirms a high level of pro-environmental, energy-saving and user-friendly solutions as well as a proper way of its management – says Ewa Kowalska-Ocneanu, chairman in Balanced Development Department in WSP.


Sterlinga Business Center offers over 13 400 sq. m of office space class A to its tenants, located on 9 tiers, and also a car park for 180 cars located on two underground tiers. AHR Architects (formerly Aedas CE) studio was responsible for an architectural design of the office. Moreover, SBC has following tenants: Philips, Takeda, Budimex, Tate & Lyle, Rule Financial and Sodexo. Currently the building is rented in 96 per cent.

Brak Oceny

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