Perfect office renovation

Hallway before renovation...
Renovation of the office - not too pleasant for many. However, we will show you that, client-contractor cooperation can give great results.

Offices of Ford Polska Sp z o.o. and FCE Bank S.A in Marynaska Business Park were in the need of refreshing. At first, no drastic changes were planned - painting the walls, new floor coverings (écru and blue) and other small things needing renovation. Company wanted to alter the appearance of entrance, it was to be simple and elegant. Very important thing was not to exceed stated budget. All these changes, although small, for majority of bussinesmen would be a great aggravation.

Thing of the biggst importance is to choose proper restoring company. Company which will not only do what hirer has in mind but also aid hirer with creative ideas. Ford has chosen Interbiuro company, which is in renovating offices bussines for 14 years now. During the first visit we closely listened to the client's needs. We focused our attention on reception, dark and inconvinient for workers. We were struck by raw conference rooms and rumbling (echo when somebody was walking in the offices) - said Ewa Pieklik from Interbiuro, the project's leader - First ideads, with concern to given budget, we had on the way back from the meeting.

Work on the project is started with an analysis of the contemporary situation and selecting apropriate solutions which will, not only, be aestethic but also functional. Designers proposed rebuilding of the reception area: rearanging the area, removing dark wall and inserting convenient  furniture. Their ideas were accepted by the client. Interior designer, Dariusz Tyburski, stated: I am glad that we were able to convince our clients to rearange the reception. We have enhanced visual aspect of  the reception, but most importantly, we have made working conditions there visibly better.

Interbiuro company has improved the acoustics of the office rooms, increasing sound absorbtion and comfort by apropriate floor covering. Apart from technical aspects, new floor covering was visually atractive and matched offices.

But what could we do with those raw conference rooms? New furniture? Reconstruction? Not an option. We were wondering what would brighten these rooms, we have found wall murals to be perfect, and the Client liked the idea. The idea was to show history of Ford company, from early T model to modern cars, was great - says Ewa Pieklik.

Thanks to succesful cooperation with client, Interbiuro was able to perform its tasks quickly. Effects are visible in the pictures attached. Ewa Pieklik stated - The client trusted us and accepted our designers' ideas, therefore, was reluctant to the idea of dark grey floor covering at first. Nevertheless, the client was amazed by the final effect: decor in hallways, light walls, white reception, colorful wall murals and dark floor proved to be very good looking.

Interbiuro was able to carry renovation without closing the office. Ford workers were not bothered while renovation was under way - ensured Ewa Pieklik.

Thanks to efective communication and cooperation, Interbiuro company did what hirer expected. With thriftness, apropriate materials, colouring and neat form, the company created elegant and functional office space.

Translated by S. Kolbusz

Brak Oceny

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