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MDDP Akademia Biznesu moves to Atrium Tower

Atrium Tower in Warsaw
The company organising a wide range of training courses is the new tenant of the office block on the Jana Pawła II Avenue.

MDDP Akademia Biznesu takes up 1070 sq.m, that is, more than one floor in the Atrium Tower skyscraper in Warsaw. The new tenant will open a training centre in the building. The owner of the building, AEW Europe, was counselled by the BNP Paribas Real Estate.


We are very pleased that MDDP Akademia Biznesu has rented the floor space in Atrium Tower. We hope that the perfect location of the building and proximity to the underground station will have a positive influence on the performance of our tenant. I am also pleased with the pro-active attitude of the BNP Paribas Real Estate office space team, thanks to whom we completed the lease transaction, commented Tim Hennes, Head of Asset Management CEE, AEW Europe.


Extensive renovations took place in Atrium Tower. The reception hall, as well as the lift lobby and the interior of lifts themselves all gained a new look. This year, the implementation of new improvements is also planned. At present, 80% of the office space in the building is used for commercial purposes.


Atrium Tower is a very good offer for tenants looking for office space in the centre of Warsaw, with price comparable to office blocks located outside the city centre. Representatives of companies interested in renting office space in Atrium Tower are very surprised when they see the interior of the building and notice how it has evolved and how well it looks, said Michał Orłowski, the Managing Director of BNP Paribas Real Estate Office Space Department.

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Comments 2
Paulina :
Przyznam szczerze, ze nie byłam jeszcze w Atrium Tower, chociaż budynek robi wrażenie. Korzystam jednak regularnie z kursów ADN Akademii działajacej dawniej jako Akademia MDDP.
November 9, 2021 at 4:47 PM
Joasia :
Wiesz może czy to jest ich obecna strona internetowa?
April 29, 2022 at 10:07 AM