The meeting on DGNB system has just finished

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The participants listened to the talk about sustainable construction
The participants listened to the talk about sustainable construction
On April 22, the event introducing DGNB system took place. It was organized by PLGBC and marked The International Earth Day.

In Polonia Palace Hotel, the meeting on the occasion of The International Earth Day took place. It was organized together by Polish Green Building Council (PLGBC), KARMAR S.A. and Royal HaskoningDHV. The event was associated with the introduction to DGNB system and was accompanied by numerous lectures concerning this subject matter. The partner of the event was Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen (DGNB). Co-organizers were such companies and institutions as: The Council of the Capital City of Warsaw, Mostostal Warszawa SA, Building Research Institute, Sika Poland Sp. z o. o. and Activtek Sp. z o. o.

One of the key moments of the meeting was a speech by Stephan Anders who discussed the issue of German Sustainable Building Council - DGNB that was represented by him. In Poland, this system of buildings' valuation is just developing, while in the foreign countries over 700 projects are certificated according to it. The system is based on the analysis of the overall life-cycles of products and their costs, considering a building as a whole. The criterion of a sustainable object's valuation are environmental, economical and sociological aspects. In 2011, DGNB began its project called DGNB Urban Districts, which is the system for city districts. Stephan Anders also provided an extensive talk in which he discussed the stages of DGNB system's adaptation in the case of a particular country.

The issue of a balanced town planning was also discussed by Dr Michał Stangel, the representative of PLGBC and the owner of Town Planning and Architectural Office ARCA. Among other things, he presented Polish and foreign projects awarded in the contests „Kraków – Nowa Huta Przyszłości” ("Cracow - Nowa Huta of the Future") i „Zielone Tarasy w Oświęcimiu” ("Green Terrances in Oświęcim").

The next speaker was Rafał Schurma, the President of PLGBC and the owner of visio | architects and consultants. He introduced to the listeners all three systems of integrated certification that are used in Poland: LEED, BREEAM and DGNB. He emphasized that Poland, apart from the countries with their own systems, has got the highest number of registered projects and buildings among the European countries – 274. He also presented Cards of Green Products.

Co-organizing companies also discussed their solutions and products. Marta Podedworna-Łuczak from Royal HaskoningDHV presented the modernization process of the headquarters of Amersfoort company in the Netherlands, while Jakub Komala from KARMAR S.A. talked over the construction of TP Headquarters in Warsaw.

Marcin Chłopek from ActivTek Sp. z o.o shared his experience and knowledge a well. His company produces devices using active technology, radial catalytic ionization (RCI), for air conditioning .Its rules were discussed during the presentation.

Piotr Lemieszek, the representative of Sika Poland Sp. z o.o talked about the importance of roofs and floors used in a building. The suitable solutions from this sector are necessary in the realization of a sustainable project.

The last stage of the meeting was a workshop considering OPEN HOUSE project of European method of calculation. It is used for designing and building of the sustainable constructions. Juliusz Żach from Mostostal Warszawa S. A. presented the basis of the method, while Dr.Sc. Michał Piasecki from Building Research Institute discussed the criterion of its valuation.

The actions of the city concerning green public orders were talked over by Michał Wróblewski from Infrastructure Department of The Council of the Capital City of Warsaw. OPEN HOUSE method, which was discussed during the meeting, will be used for valuation of the project of a building near Siedmiogrodzka street. ZZP is supposed to perform the pilot-usage during its realization.

The event was the fifth edition of Earth's Day organized by PL GBC. Among its participants, were many specialists on sustainable construction, such as, architects, town planners and the representatives of brand companies.


Brak Oceny

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