ECO Major investment of HB Reavis has a new owner

Visualization of 33 Central in London
Visualization of 33 Central in London
The project 33 Central was sold to the American bank Wells Fargo. It is one of the biggest contracts concluded on the London real estate market this year.

The project 33 Central is the first and the major investment of the developer group HB Reavis in London. Its sale constitutes one of the biggest contracts concluded this year on that market (owner – tenant).


The decision of Wells Fargo on choosing the investment realized by HB Reavis for their new headquarters is a great distinguishing for us. It is clear evidence that the adopted strategy consisting in realization of high class and perfectly arranged business space adjusted to the needs and expectations of future employees, people who visit our building and local inhabitants actually works in practice – says Radim Rimanek, Chairman of the Board of HB Reavis, who is responsible for business activity of HB Reavis Group in Great Britain.


Initially, HB Reavis Group has planned to keep 33 Central and intend its space for rent. The bank Wells Fargo, however, wanted to purchase the structure and transform it into the main registered office of the company. This process will allow to concentrate all employees from different London departments in one location. Well Fargo is the third largest bank in respect of market value in the USA.


33 Central will offer 21 000 sq. m of business space class A. The completion of the office is planned on the third quarter of 2017 and the project is planned in such a way to be awarded the BREEAM ecological certificate at the Excellent level. HB Reavis Group will still remain the developer of the building, whereas architecture of it was prepared by the British studio John Robertson Architects. The consultants of both Deloitte and Knight Frank were responsible for lease of office space in 33 Central and Bank Wells Fargo was represented by CBRE.


At present, HB Reavis is building two other investments on the London market. One of them is a building which is being realized at Farringdon Street and the size of it amounts to more than 7500 sq. m. The second structure of the size totaling more than 7000 sq. m is located at Southwark Street.


HB Reavis is an international developer group, which was founded in 1993 in Bratislava. It operates on the key market of Central and Eastern Europe as well as Great Britain and Turkey. It hires more than 500 people in the whole Europe.


Brak Oceny

Tags: HB Reavis
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