How Much Does A Process Of Revitalization Actually Cost?

Tenement House At Jagiełły Street In Wroclaw - Revitalization Works
Tenement House At Jagiełły Street In Wroclaw - Revitalization Works
Developers tend to carry out revitalization processes on existing buildings much more eagerly these days, however, such investments may sometimes cost them even 150% more.

Revitalization isn’t a simple process. It’s related to additional procedures, some impediments during construction works or higher costs. Despite these factors, private operators such as developers carry out it more and more frequently. What attracts them?

For instance, one of the factors is location. The revitalized spaces are often located in the best urban regions. History is of great importance too. Older buildings have an incredible atmosphere, which constitutes an added value. Plots in the right location are therefore really valuable. It’s a common phenomenon that buildings with an interesting history are located on such plots that were entirely destroyed due to many reasons. Technical conditions are often difficult to forecast and they do have a great impact on final costs. Depending on them, additional costs at revitalization process fluctuate between 10% to even 150% – says Marek Kotowski, Bouygues Immobilier Poland, architect.

The example is one of the investments of Bouygues Immobilier Poland. This company has purchased a shabby-looking plot at Jagiełły Street in Wroclaw, on which an old tenement house was located. This space used to be occupied by Zum Bürgerwerder Inn, however, it had been undeveloped for a very long time and the tenement house had been perishing. Thanks to a private investor, it can have a “second life” right now. This is a unique place and thus we really care about reviving its former glory. We’ll complete the urban block, preserve both the atmosphere and the urban scale. It isn't easy due to renovation of the former development, but, it’s what makes it even more valuable. We’re carrying out works with the respect for history, treating the modern elements as smooth complementation – says Łukasz Paryś, Director of Wrocław Department of Bouygues Immobilier. Firstly, the company has carried out a technical expert evaluation and the project of securing the historical part. Then, the specialized company has conducted the partial demolishment. The works were conducted with the use of machines and manually. The supporting structure was performed so that the elevation wouldn’t ruin during works. Additionally, the geodetic monitoring was performed at the same time. The investor spent ca. 1 million zlotys for this revitalization, not including the construction of the new part.


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Greg :
W temacie rewitalizacji bardzo wiele dzieje się w Łodzi
March 9, 2018 at 1:26 PM