End of dreams about Cracow's skyscraper

Provincial Administrative Court overruled issued for "szkieletor" decision on land development.

Provincial Administrative Court overruled issued for "szkieletor" decision on land development on 12th December. Investor can only appeal to Supreme Administrative Court.

Decision on land development was complained by Association for Environmental Care. The most important argument of representatives of organisation was faultiness of decision which lied in the magistracy who didn't point the building to which elevated construction of Treimorfa would refer to. Referring to neighbouring with Grzegórzeckie Roundabout "Błękitek" wasn't enough.

Works at "szkieletor" were supposed to take finalization of the building and construction of two more tiers. Raising of six smaller buildings was planned in the neighbourhood. Despite investor's assurances about achieving all requirements and closing formal issues, former Cracow's skyscraper of NOT won't be finished and redeveloped.

Brak Oceny

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