Eli Lilly lured by the Business Garden

The complex Business Garden in Warsaw
The complex Business Garden in Warsaw
Eli Lilly has signed a lease agreement for over 1 100 sq m in the Business Garden in Warsaw.

The company Eli Lilly will move into the Business Garden which belongs to SwedeCentre and will occupy over 1 100 sq m. The company CBRE advised in negotiations.

“We are pleased with the fact that another reputable company joined the group of such tenants as Adidas, Ricoh or Credit Agricole. With the lease agreement with Eli Lilly we exceeded 70% of total lease space. We hope that agreements on other office spaces will be finalized in the next months,” sais Roger Andersson, Managing Director at SwedeCenter.

Business Garden is being built at the intersection of Żwirki i Wigury and 1 Sierpnia Streets. The complex will comprise seven office buildings which in total will amount to 90 000 sq m. Two of them with the total area of 32 000 sq m were commissioned in the first stage. The first of the buildings offers 14 500 sq and includes offices, a business hotel, a conference centre and a restaurant. The second building offers 17 200 sq m of office space.

”Eli Lilly is a demanding tenant, yet the business project Business Garden will provide our Client with friendly, comfortable and effective working conditions. The company CBRE advised Eli Lilly on lease conditions in negotiations. Moreover, CBRE is responsible for supervision of arrangement of client's offices,” said Joanna Kalinowska, CBRE Associate Director Office Agency.

The beginning of the second stage of the investment is planned for the third quarter in 2013.

Eli Lilly Polska is part of the pharmaceutical concern Eli Lilly and Company.


Brak Oceny

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