New investor in WTP

Old boiler house on the area of Business Engine WTP
The water house purchased by tobi’s events
Wrocław Technology Park gained another investor who is going to renovate two historical buildings on the area of Business Engine.

The purchaser of the property is tobi’s events company which is owned by Maria and Tobias Kruszewscy. Their partnership services warehouse and service points, offers lease of stages and platforms, as well as complex services in the area of planning exhibitions. Wrocław is supposed to be a central point of servicing clients from Poland and the whole Eastern Europe – comments Maria Kruszewska.


There are two historical monuments on the area of Wrocław Technology Park which need a complex renovation. These are neglected and old boiler house from 1910 (one of the oldest buildings on this area) which delights architects and also a small water tower. The investor is planning to organize the exhibition and event part of the company in the building of the boil house, whereas the water tower will be probably intended for offices and a café.  


It is a dream area for our company. Wrocław, the city center and the perfect surroundings of companies. We are aware of the fact that it will be a huge investment. We believe that this project of saving two Wrocław historical monuments and restoring them a beauty from previous years is an expression of emotional connection between two generations as well as history of Wrocław – judge Maria and Tobias Kruszewscy.


The area of Business Engine at Fabryczna Street in Wrocław has been changing for two years in an attractive place to run a business. 13,5 ha of decaying industrial area in the center of Wrocław (the area after the factory of PaFaWag carriages) which used to be devastated and neglected, now it functions under Wrocław Technology Park name. One of the investments has been recently completed thanks to support from UE means – that is renovation of an old office building, in which there is now one of the biggest business incubators in Poland. The first companies started their activities in it and the recruitment is still being conducted.


A production and warehouse Nowa Siódemka hall with the area of nearly 23 000 sq. m will be commissioned on the area of Business Engine by the end of March. 


Moreover, few other plots are left for sales on the area of Business Engine – some of them are developed with structures which need renovation or demolition, and the other part is undeveloped. In response to needs and interest of investors concerning smaller plots, the sales offer will soon include some plots with the area starting from 1000 sq. m.

Brak Oceny

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