Commercial Property Managers’ Meeting in Cracow

Reports from

The commercial property managers’ meeting took place on 14th June 2012 in Park Inn Hotel in Cracow.

The event was organised by Polski Instytut Rozwoju Rynku. Seminary was the second part of the Commercial Property Managers’ Meeting. The previous conference was held in Wrocław on 17th May 2012. Whereas the second session was organised in Park Inn Hotel, situated in 2 Monte Cassino Street.

Polski Instytut Rozwoju Rynku is an organization created with the aim of booming the Polish market. The major activity of Polski Instytut Rozwoju Rynku is the organization of thematic conferences. Experts in this field meet and present their solutions for the improvement of particular market sphere. The Cracovian meeting was intended for property administrators and owners. However, there also appeared: property management directors, administration directors, property managers, facility managers, office managers and property developers. The subject matter was directed to representatives of various properties, from office blocks to hospitals.

Being a commercial property manager entails a wide range of duties related to building management. Such a person is responsible for the condition of a building, through water and energy supply, or technical condition of the building. Apart from all these, they also take charge of the modernization of the building. What is more, property manager shall be acquainted with technical innovations in order to satisfy their obligations properly and professionally. Their purpose is to minimize the costs of property use and simultaneously maximize the value of the building. Commercial property managers’ meetings are organised under this thought. These events are aimed at creating the opportunity for property managers as well as company representatives offering ergonomic solutions in the field.  Moreover, the nature of those meetings not only includes conferences, but also enables industrial company representatives to present their offers through individual promotional stand.

A number of various enterprises appeared at the Cracovian meeting. Justyna Gołubowska from Mercor SA in Gdańsk, a company dealing with fire protection services and safety equipment products, presented herself as the first one. The company’s offer contains, among other things, fire isolations, smoke ventilation systems, or building fire protections – including their repair. Such solutions are within the interest area of each manager who  ensures the security of their estate.

Przemysław Müller and Ryszard Zieliński presented the bid of Lending LLC from Bydgoszcz. This company specializes in energy efficient lighting solutions. Their offer contains not only typically applied solutions, but also decorative lightings. Some models are guaranteed against devastation, which is an attractive solution for those interested in outdoor area lighting. Having contact with professionals in the lighting industry is important for every property manager. Being acquainted with the current offer enables more ergonomic use of light energy and, as a result, greater savings.

Trade Agency JAK was represented by its owner, Jarosław Kulik. This enterprise deals with innovative solutions for private and public toilets. The presentation was related to the problems of commercial property managers. He drew attention to the issues resulted from the intensive use of sanitation, the lack of customer care when using the equipment (in extreme cases vandalism), or the necessity of estates to meet more stringent safety standards.

Modern IT platforms aimed at efficient commercial property management were showed by Velis Sytemy Informatyczne, represented by Adam Penkala. This enterprise offers software based on Singu Platform, increasing the efficiency of data transfer both within and beyond company borders, when having contact with contractors. Moreover, Velis offers business consulting which main purpose is the optimization of office processes: in collaboration with a client and with the best use of software.

After a coffee break Krzysztof Bazan presented an Internet portal This website is aimed to optimize the costs of property management through the integration of building systems. Web Users can find there information related to intelligent installations and different products which streamline the property management process. Such an Internet portal enables property managers to be acquainted with the latest technical innovations. This presentation was the last substantive point of the conference. After that all members received certificates confirming their participation in the conference.

Commercial Property Managers’ Meetings are an interesting initiative which may streamline the difficult estate administration process. Experts in the field are gathered in one place, so every member has easy access to the information they need. Besides, such meetings are intended for the integration of occupational environment and the establishment of relationships among the branch representatives.

Brak Oceny

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