Managers met in Wroclaw and Cracow

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Over 150 people took part in Regional Forum of the Commercial Property Managers in Wroclaw and Cracow.
Over 150 people took part in Regional Forum of the Commercial Property Managers in Wroclaw and Cracow.
The meetings of Regional Forum of the Commercial Property Managers were held on April 23 in Wroclaw and June 19 in Cracow.


Both events were a platform for conversation and making contacts among people of the brand. During the interesting speeches, the participants were able to exchange their experiences concerning managing commercial properties, while the exhibition part enabled to personally meet the manufacturers and service providers.

The subject matter of Forum in Wroclaw and Cracow were identical for both meetings and touched upon current problems of the brand.

The leading substantive subject were the legal problems connected with the lease agreement of commercial properties. The participants could listen to the talks by the specialists of real estate law, trade contacts and investment service. Each talk ended with an interesting discussion with the participants.


The huge interest was aroused by the subject matter of modernization of personal elevators in commercial buildings and the agreements connected with their service. The speakers were the experts on the modernization of personal elevators. The participants left the lectures with the big knowledge about this particular issue.


During Forum, the topic of increasing the energetic effectiveness of buildings by proper management of the energy consumption, was also presented. The main focus was put on the particular solutions for many types of objects, including office buildings. The solutions presented enables to effective operation of installations mounted in a building, which leads to the minimization of energy consumption.


The schedule also included the lectures about IT systems, particularly concerning the abilities and architecture of integrated IT system.


The participants could also get to know about the restitution of properties injured in fires and floods. The experts shared their knowledge about solutions that make the dealing with fires and floods' effects and damages much easier.


In both meetings, organized by Polish Board of Market Development, over 150 people took part. Mainly they were the specialists on managing properties, facility and property managers and technical and administrative directors.

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