Equator IV has a general contractor

ECO Equator IV has a general contractor

Karimpol Polska’s subsidiary CIRRUS REAL Sp. z o.o. has signed a general contract for the construction of the Equator IV office tower in Warsaw with Warbud SA. The construction work starts in October 2016 and the first tenants will move in at the end of June 2018.

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Noname Architects knows how to arrange Tétris office

Noname Architects knows how to arrange Tétris office

Noname Architects is the winner of the competition for a new concept of arranging Tétris office, which is to be located on the 25th floor of Warsaw Spire. The authors favor interesting functional and spatial solutions and the project is characterized by high compositional and conceptual coherence.

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Tested facade

Tested facade

ALUPROF – as the first company in Poland – tested a facade composed of internal and external 90-and 135-degree angular connections. It enables application of the entire scope of angles in constructions.

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A very eco design

ECO A very eco design

The best green design of the year 2016 – Mennica Legacy Tower – was awarded in the Green Building Awards competition organized by the Polish Green Building Council (PLGBC).

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IT Future Expo – summing-up

IT Future Expo – summing-up

IT Future Expo has just come to a close. This fourth edition of the annual B2B meeting was devoted to trends as well as IT and technological innovations. Headhunters, modern technologies, virtual reality, 3D zone – these were the main issues discussed during this year’s fairs.

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New offices at Aleje Jerozolimskie

ECO New offices at Aleje Jerozolimskie

Two new companies situate their registered offices in Equator II, whereas Connectis extends its office by additional sq. m. Lease contracts signed by the owner of the building – Karimpol Poland – include the total space amounting to over 600 sq. m.

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