ISO: a way to reduce costs?

ISO: a way to reduce costs?

Quality management certificates are chances for entrepreneurs to enhance the credibility in the eyes of business partners. Moreover, they may affect the reduction of a company’s costs.

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Company car with a lump sum

Company car with a lump sum

Regulations ordering entrepreneurs to tax vehicles which are facilitated to private purposes of employees with a lump sum are supposed to come into force next year. The main assumption of those changes is ordering and simplifying tax settlements.

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River Garden Office I sold

River Garden Office I sold

HB Reavis Group completed a sales transaction of the River Garden Office I located in Prague. For 50 million euro, at capitalization rate scarcely exceeding 6,5 per cent, it was bought by Prvý realitný fond (PRF), managed by the IAD Investments company.

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Greater labour costs on civil law agreements

Greater labour costs on civil law agreements

Parliament is working on changes concerning contribution of commission contracts, which may result in increase of labour costs borne by employers. If civil law agreements are less attractive to companies, either the number of vacancies will increase, or – grey economy.

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First ceiling on OVO Wrocław

First ceiling on OVO Wrocław

In the second half of April, a building of the OVO Wrocław investment started. Since that time, the building has in 90 per cent ready foundation, and currently a paving of a ceiling above the -2 tier is being continued.

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