Olivia Six is completed!

Olivia Six is completed!

A new office owned by Olivia Business Center in Gdańsk has been just commissioned. Therefore, the investment located in the Oliwa district became the second largest business and office center in Poland.

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Warimpex expects development

Warimpex expects development

Christoph Salzer – regional director in Warimpex – believes that the European commercial property market is currently in a rapid growth stage. Thanks to low interest rates and increasing economy – it is becoming popular among investors. Moreover, the development is also expected in Poland.

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Views from One WTC

Views from One WTC

We invite you to watch pictures and film which present views from an observation deck of the New York skyscraper – One World Trade Center.

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Inhabitants of Wrocław vote on referendum

Inhabitants of Wrocław vote on referendum

A local referendum will be held in the capital of Lower Silesia in September. The inhabitants of Wrocław will be asked about four issues – building of a metro, limitation of a motor traffic in the city center, organization of big events and…

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Bailout for ecological project

Bailout for ecological project

The Wrocław borough is preparing a project thanks to which all entities realizing their investments in the area of thermal efficiency improvement of a building or energy efficiency will be able to receive a bailout from the European Union.

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