ECO Erbud – general contractor of Porto Office B

Porto Office B
Porto Office B
Erbud SA became a general contractor of the office and service building Porto Office B. The agreement concluded between the company and investor of the project will have been realized by the end of 31st March 2017.

Erbud SA became a general contractor of the office and service building Porto Office B, which is currently being realized at Zielińskiego Street in Krakow. The agreement concluded between Erbud and investor of the project – Porto Office B Sp. z o.o. – will have been realized by the end of March 2017. The value of the contract amounts to 25.6 million zlotys.


Under the contract Erbud is going to build a structure along with an underground garage and installations such as water and sewerage, electric, air-conditioning, cooling, earth wire, transformer station and heating pipe inside the building. Moreover, the company is going to perform technical infrastructure such as road entrance, bicycle path, street sewerage, traffic lights and terminals: water and sewerage as well as heating ones.


As a target, two modern office buildings class A will be included in the Porto Office investment. The first stage of the project includes realization of a 4-tier building B – which is being realized on the plan of the letter L and which is to offer around 5500 sq. m. The second stage, which is currently in the planning phase, envisages a building with the size of around 7100 sq. m. The investment is being realized in accordance with the principles of sustainable construction, which is to be confirmed by a proper certificate – LEED at the Gold level. The architectural project of Porto Office was devised in the Krakow IMB Asymetria studio, whereas the commercialization process was entrusted the international consulting company – Knight Frank.


The investor and developer of the project is Porto Office B Sp. z o.o. with a headquarters in Krakow. The company was founded by Portuguese entrepreneurs, who realize projects on the area of Portugal, Brazil or Spain. The list of projects realized by the company in our country includes e.g. Rua Bonita housing estate and Casa Feliz in Krakow.


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wkn :
Gratulacje Erbud! :-)
March 27, 2016 at 11:45 AM