Easter courses right from a restaurant?

The Poles more and more often order Easter courses in restaurants and catering companies.

According to research conducted by the Public Opinion Research Center, less than a half of the Poles consider the Easter holiday as a religious experience. Moreover, 65 per cent of respondents believe that it is an occasion to spend some time with their relatives. The Poles are attached to the presence of traditional courses on their festive tables, however, they more and more rarely prepare them by themselves. The Poles more often use the services of professional cooks. First and foremost, the reason of such a phenomenon is comfort, willingness to spend some time with a family and excess of professional and family responsibilities.


There are many restaurants and catering companies which offer such services. If we want our festive dinner to be similar to traditional flavors, it is worth choosing a restaurant which serves such courses. If we like experimenting, we may choose a cuisine which offers new flavors. Therefore, we will able to surprise our relatives and friends by presenting them new ideas and new dishes – says Anna Muras, chairman of the board in UpMenu.


Moreover, it is worth checking some culinary blogs and websites of certain spots while searching for a proper restaurant. We may find there some opinions and reviews about served dishes as well as additional services. It is also advisable to visit a chosen place, try some prepared courses and even talk to a cook about them. Furthermore, the experts advise to test the reliability of deliverers, for instance, by ordering a lunch to work. Therefore, it is easy to check the quality of dishes and punctuality of deliverers. It is important to determine the exact number of dishes, the size of proportions and the way and time of their delivery while making an order.


It will be the best if we choose such a company much earlier. The earlier, the better. It results from the fact that many restaurants may sometimes include some additional charges for orders made at the last moment. The offer will be more richer and we will have a wider choice in restaurants if we start doing it much earlier – says Anna Muras.  


How do the prices of Easter catering look like? The minimum amounts total 30 zlotys per person. The cost of an average catering order during Easter is not often so much higher in comparison to costs borne by making the courses on our own account. According to data presented by IBRiS Homo Homini, nearly 30 per cent of Poles planned to spend from 101 to 300 zlotys on organization of Easter in 2014. Moreover, every fourth Pole wanted to intend from 301 to 500 zlotys for holidays in April.


Each person who is thinking about ordering holiday courses is afraid of high expenses. However, the organization of holidays is related to a festive dinner which indicates that we spend some money on certain products and cooking. Therefore, we devote a lot of our time and effort which are definitely precious. If we take those elements into consideration, it may turn out that the catering offer available on the market is not so expensive – says Anna Muras.


The Easter catering services are provided not only by big catering companies and restaurants but also by smaller companies, often family ones.  


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