Another investment of the Lower Silesian Innovation and Science Park SA

Business House
Business House
Business House will be a new investment in Wrocław.

Business House is supposed to be built in Oporów, in the south-western part of Wrocław at Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski 4 Street, in the neighborhood of INVEST PARK Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone. The structure will be an office class A. Its total area will amount to over 6 thousand sq. m. The project was devised in cooperation with Archimedia architectural studio from Poznań. At present, the preparations to invite bids for the General Contractor are being conducted.


The Lower Silesian Innovation and Science Park SA has another building at Kwiatkowskiego 4 Street – that is Idea House. Business House will be built in its neighborhood. Furthermore, both investments will support regional investments.


We are convinced that Business House is a perfect place for companies which care about conducting their activities in a comfortable location, not only in respect of communicational accessibility, but mainly in a place which concentrates potential business partners. The structure will offer technical solutions guaranteeing comfort, safety and continuity of work, which is essential in present times – says Lidia Ciesielska, Chairman in DPIN S.A.


The tenants of Idea House will have at their disposal areas starting from 124 sq. m on the ground floor and 200 sq. m on higher levels, to areas situated on the whole floors – that is ca. 1000 sq. m. The premises may be arranged as „open space” or with a division of rooms. Moreover, the areas may be commissioned in a „turnkey construction” standard – adds Daria Dudek from United Projects, a company responsible for commercialization of the investment.


The first tenants of Business House are supposed to move into the structure in the first quarter of 2016. The investment is financed by Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego within the „Polish investments” program.

Brak Oceny

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