ECO We know who is going to build CEDET

CEDET after modernization and development
CEDET after modernization and development
Doraco Construction Corporation became a main contractor of a former CEDET building.

The realization envisages restoration and development of a historical building located at Krucza 50 Street, where Centralny Dom Towarowy was placed in the past. It was designed by a duet of architects – Zbiegniew Ihnatowicz and Jerzy Romański – in the fifties of the XX century. CEDET structure will combine commercial with modern functions of offices and will be composed of two parts of a revitalized former trade house and new building at the crossroads of Bracka and Krucza Streets which will constitute a construction covered with glass, visually corresponding to the restored part of the object.


CEDET will offer 22 050 sq. m of space, 15 000 sq. m of which will be offices class A+ and 7050 sq. m – commercial locals. The structure will have 7 aboveground and 4 underground tiers. Offices will be located from 1 to 6 floor and commercial areas on -1,0 and +1 levels. On aboveground tiers (-2,-3 and -4) there will be a car park with 140 parking places. The entrance to users of office space and representative hall will be located from Krucza Street. Commercial locals in the building will be available to clients directly from the street.


CEDET will be certified in BREEAM system on Excellent level. The tenants of the building will benefit from a bicycle shed with coatrooms and showers. The structure will be also adjusted to needs of disabled people. The consortium of AMC – Andrzej Chołdzyński and RKW Rhode Kellermann Wawrowski studios will be responsible for the project of modernization and development of the building.


The beginning of construction works is planned on autumn 2014 with the reservation of the consent of Immobel company which is a developer of the investment. The commission, in turn, will be in the first quarter of 2017.


Doraco Construction Corporation functions on the construction market in the whole Poland. It offers general realization of investment projects (according to design and build rule). The company belongs to Hass Holding capital group. While 22 years of activity, the partnership has realized several dozen investments, the value of which exceeded several hundred million euro.

Brak Oceny

Tags: Immobel SA
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