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Green Towers opened

Grand opening of the Green Towers complex on May 22nd
Green Towers office complex in Wrocław, delivered by Skanska Property Poland, was officially opened on May 22nd, 2013.

On 22nd May 2013 Green Towers office complex in Wrocław has been officially opened. The building, delivered by the company Skanska Property Poland, prides itself on having LEED Green Building Certification of the highest Platinum level. Skanska, before commissioning the second building of the complex, enlisted full number of tenants and sold the complex to a company from a fund belonging to the PZU Group.

Green Towers is a well-designed, innovative office complex, which found tenants and an investor before it was even commissioned. We are currently building two office buildings in Wrocław: Green Day, near Ostrów Tumski, and Dominikański, near the Dominikański Square. We believe that they as well will be recognized by tenants and investors, especially that Wrocław is a perfect place for business and one of the fastest developing cities in Poland - says Bartosz Kalinowski, Regional Director of Skanska Property Poland.

Green Towers comprises of two ten-storey buildings and a leasable area of approximately 24,000 square meters. It is located at Strzegomskiej Street. The first building was completed in March 2012, whereas the other in January 2013. Tenants include: Ernst & Young, Allegro Group, Dolby, Medicover Group, Becton Dickinson and Talex.

The official opening ceremony was attended by Adam Grehl, Vice President of Wrocław, Bartosz Kalinowski, Regional Director of Skanska Property Poland, Jacek Koprowski, Deputy Director of the Real Estate Office in TFI PZU and PZU Asset Management and architect Zbigniew Maćków. Professor Józef Hałas, doyen and mentor of Wrocław artistic circles, also honored the ceremony with his presence.
A sculpture by Professor Józef Hałas, symbolizing the Intelligence Quotidian, was unveiled during the ceremony.

Modern office buildings are contemporary range for innovation. Thousands of young people are using multi-leveled knowledge in their work in places where just a few years ago used to be outdated workshops and factories. It is an unbelievable leap of civilization. The distinctive twin Green Towers buildings meet the highest environmental standards and represent a new stage of the development of the city. What other place would be better for the sculpture – a symbol of human intelligence - says Zbigniew Maćków, the architect of Green Towers.

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gość wrocław :
Podoba mi się ta inwestycja, ale ta rzeźba... okropność.
May 28, 2013 at 10:29 AM