There is more space than tenants

In the current situation there is more office space to rent than tenants who want to rent it.
Franciszkiem Uszko
Franciszkiem Uszko

Do the entrepreneurs who operate on a smaller scale report the need for construction of new office buildings?

In the current situation there is more office space to rent than there are tenants who want to rent it. I know it from personal experience. We run the Chamber of Crafts in Tarnów and we have 300 sq. m space to offer. A few years ago there was no problem with finding tenants, everything was taken. Now, however, interest in this type of space is moderate.


So why is it happening?


Development always has advantages as well as disadvantages. It is the development of institutions which over the years earned capital that allowed companies to build or buy office buildings and leave their   previous headquarters. Thus, there is more and more free space and there are less and less interested tenants. Yes, there will always be tenants, but they are looking for surface adapted to the profile of their business. Seldom do we see office building being created at the expense of residential space. .In our Chamber we associate around 3,000 craftsmen, so we are well versed with the ways business people adapt to cope with their demand for office space.  Some businesses undego divisions, other go bankrupt and new copanies emrgen in their place.It’s the same all over the world. However, you need to observe closely what is going on to keep the healthy balance. Leaving this topics aside for a moement I might add that the legislation which is intended to facilitate the operationof small and medium businesses isnot always fully adapted to their needs, especially in terms of taxation. I am referring to issues related to the Department of Social Security (ZUS  The burden in this area is too heavy for small and medium enterprises.


In one of recently published reports it was found that companies located in big agglomerations are moving to smaller ones.  How does the tendency look like when it comes to the enterprises in smaller towns?


As I have already mentioned, a part of companies gets divided into smaller firms due to financial reasons. If acompany has a large profit and has to give away a lot of many for tazex to the state, then, in many cases, the decision to divide is made to reduce the costs.  What is more, in small agglomerations the costs of running a business are much lower and it is the main argument.


Is the concept of green construction according to which the officee speaces are created in any way important to the entrepreneurs?


The situation with green issues can vary here. We have not yet created such provisions that would interest enterpreneurs on a large scale. This is not kind of work that could be  done within a year or two, we need decades to do that. Knowledge in this field should be introduced already in the schools. Small and medium entrepreneurs take green construction with a grain of salt. Legislation is to blame, because it does not encourage businesses to take an interest in the subject. It is also impossible to introduce tight restrictions, because many companies might not the be able to cope with them.

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