Savings and security – the basis of the effective energy management in the company


City : Warszawa
Place : Centrum Bankowo-Finansowe
Date : 25.04.2013
Hour : 09:00 - 16:00
Status : closed


Too much electric energy wasting…

That is sad, but true. The terrifying consumption speed cause that, the necessary to company’s functioning element is waste which causes greater costs, problem related to equipment exploitation and the natural environment care.

Please join us at free of charge conference
“Savings and security – the basis of the effective energy management in the company”
April 25th, 2013.
in Banking and Financial Center in Warsaw

The Silver Sponsor of the conference, EMERSON, will present its solutions:

Presented topics:
1. Effective energy bill and its influence on Polish entrepreneurship
2. Electric Parameters Monitoring systems
3. Intelligent meters
4. Green energy
5. Energy audit
6. Steering and monitoring energy systems
7. CHP systems
8. Energy certifications of the buildings
9. Financing of the investments which reduce energy usage
10. Optimization Effectiveness in following areas:
- A/C and ventilation systems
- heating systems
- steering/controlling systems
- illumination
- power sources/systems
- others: evacuation lighting, elevators, stairs, security systems
11. Renewable energy sources
12. Energy outsourcing
13. IT outsourcing as a energy saving manner
14. Energy saving in the industry

Join us if you are:
- Owner, Director and Managing Director
- Property Managing Director, Facility Owner, Facility Manager
- Technical Director, Manager
- Investment and Development Director
- Financial Director
- Administrative Director

The participation for listed above individuals is free of charge.

NUMBER OF SEATS IS LIMITED! The submission order is pivotal.

The participation cost is 1000 zł +23%VAT per person for the representatives of  the services, IT and technology suppliers.

Because of the limited space we reserve the right to applications rejection.


Conference details:

Brak Oceny

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