Cloud Computing GigaCon


City : Hotel Galaxy
Place : Kraków
Date : 16.10.2012
Hour : 08:00 - 15:30
Status : closed

It’s now the sixth time when the people interested in cloud computing in its various aspects can meet.
This relatively new model of offering IT services is quickly acquiring clients all around the world, and, according to analytics’ predictions, this market’s worth will be increasing by ca. 27 per cent per year.

Polish businessmen will also discover the cloud’s advantages – optimizing of costs, fast implementation and flexible IT solutions. During the conference, we also hope not only to present cloud computing technologies and solutions, but also to resolve your doubts – matters of safety, difficulties with adapting the cloud’s IT solutions to individual needs and legal regulations that limit the free use of cloud in Poland etc.

Selected topics of the talks:

  • Intellectual property’s protection in the case of cloud computing projects Bogdan Fischer, PhD (Chałas i Wspólnicy Law Firm)
  • Company in a cloud Dawid Żabicki (Sygnity)
  • NetApp – Intelligent Mass Memory for a Company - Łukasz Grzesiak (Signati)
  • New tools of cloud computing in guaranteeing services of safety and managing IT infrastructure Piotr Olewniczak (Panda Security)
  • Cloudiness is getting bigger Marcin Nowak (Softhis)
  • Calibrated Actina servers based on AMD Opteron™ processors Krzysztof Łuka (Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), Marcin Bogusz (ACTION S.A. )
  • Safety of data – lesser control of information, privacy menace, legal doubts Przemysław Olszewski (Independent expert)

The participation is FREE, the only one condition of participation is to register earlier on the event’s webpage:

WARNING! The number of places is limited! Register right now and be sure to participate. 

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