The XIIth BOSS Festival in Tricity

The XIIth BOSS Festival
The XIIth BOSS Festival
Olivia Business Center is a partner of the XIIth Tricity edition of the BOSS Festival

This year’s edition of the BOSS Festival lasted three days. It was inaugurated by the Maximising Your Career Advantage conference which was held on 26th March 2015 on the area of the University of Gdańsk. The residents of Olivia Business Center provided guidance to students concerning career advancement and shared with their own experiences.


The conference was held in two discussion panels in which participated the representatives of such companies as Goyello, Playsoft, Hays Poland, PwC, Studio HR and Olivia Business Centre. The foreign participants of the conference shared with their experiences during the conference and talked about the first steps on their career paths. Furthermore, they mentioned about their arrival to Poland and high potential which lies dormant on the native market as well as many changes which occurred after 1989 in Poland.


We are here as businessmen because Gdańsk and Poland deliver many incredible talented people. Business which are conducted by those men would not have been where they are now without such young and great talents from the University of Gdańsk – sums up Jake Jephcott, director of business development in Olivia Business Center.


Moreover, the participants of the conference talked about culture differences between employees coming from different countries and cooperation in a company, the base of which is sincerity as well as relations which occur between subordinates and superiors. 


The issue of competences which are required on the labor market was also mentioned during the conference. The most frequently listed competences by the speakers were the ability to adjust to occurring changes and combination of soft and hard competences. When it comes to recruitment process – the participants emphasized diligence, discipline and professionalism at applying for a job and the fact of having a passion in a certain field.


The other two days of the XIIth BOSS Festival were held on the area of Olivia Business Center. The organizers of the events which took place within the festival was Studenckie Forum Business Centre Club Trójmiasto and Olivia Business Center. 


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