Once there was a market... will there be an office block?

The visualization of the draft project od Administrative Centre in Tarnow, photo M. Gniadek
The visualization of the draft project od Administrative Centre in Tarnow, photo M. Gniadek
Currently in the place of the former Tarnów market ,,Kapłanówka" there is a parking lot, but, in a few years, a modern office block is going to be buit there, one which will hold an Administrative Centre. However, the project got stuck in different kinds of turbulances.

The case of Tarnów's modern office block with B+ standard, where Tarnów city council, now dispersed  over seven buildings, would have its headquarters has been on for a couple of years and it will still exist a few years longer. A rather difficult economical situation of Tarnów city council is responsible for this situation. For the city council  the Administration Centre remains a project with a strategic meaning only. The authorities of the city by the Biała river have some analyses at their disposal which will be crucial for the implementation of the plans. The idea to build the Centre has been sceptically received by buyers, who have been transfered from Chyszów district, where a new market has been created.

The draft project already exist

Three years ago a competition was held for designing a urban and architectural Administration Centre, which can cost even more than 100 million PLN. The author of the winning design is a firm from Kraków, KKK Kozień Architekci and the construction will probably be based on a partership agreement with the contractor. The city will be paying back the contract for abut thirt years.
The city council ensures that the modern office block will be a building customized for the second biggest city of Małopolska voivodship.


- Public Procurement Act already at the draft stage favors those, who will place the cheapest offer. Our Office has rejected this procedure and we opted for a competition, where esthetical conditions, the issue of beauty and functionality could be combined with value, with the price - Ryszard Scigala told the journalists, the president of Tarnow directly after having chosen the project.

It will be comfortable and modern

Although the project has been known already for 3 years and the contractor has not been chosen yet, despite earlier declaration that it would be known in 2010. However, information about the future is investment is already knwon. Tarnow AdministrationCentre, or, to be more exact, the area intended for the construction 2,5 ha. The total surface of the Centre will be nearly 20 thousant square metres, including 13,3 thousand m2 of usable area for offices and services.

Within the investment, a two-level parking will be built  with a drive downwards. 400 drivers in total will be able to park their cars easily. The building will be distinguished by a perfect location: in close vicinity there are: the Stata higher Vocational School, residential buildings, a school, retail outlets and a church.

"The property is a composition of tow linear sequences of buidings, one of which is a four-storey multi office building, in row housing by Dwernieckiego street with an open, public passage in its central part. The second line of property is composed of two buildings, which are combined with each other by a "beam" hanging above the square. Both of these sequences have been connected by four catwalks with escape staircases. The space between them has been filled by a Customer Service Room, greenery of an "open" courtyard and a conference room with green recration space" - we can read in the description of the project on internet pages of Tarnow municipiality.

In common opinion, the presented visualizatipon is a proof that   the Administration Center is a unique project on a scale of the city and the region, whch will give Tarnow prestige and a chance to tidy up this neglected district.

The construction of the center is now whim, it is a necessity.

City officials point out that the construction of the Administration Center is necessary because the buildings where the city council resides do not meet the standards of professional service for the inhabitants, including those with disabilities. Also the inhabitsnts of Tarnow themselves notice the necessity to carry out the project. The fact that the City Hall is located in seven buildings situated in different parts of the city does not make their lives easier. Drivers have reasons to complain too, as there are not enought parking places near the buildings of Tarnow city Council. This project needs to be considered in the light of currentl generated costs connected with operating and maintanace expenses of seven separate buildings of City Council, located in different parts of Tarnow. However, the issue of constructing the Administration Centre needs to be deeply considered in terms of the probable costs, as the results of it will influence the city budget in the following years.


Also the inhabitsnts of Tarnow themselves notice the necessity to carry out the project. The fact that the City Hall is located in seven buildings situated in different parts of the city does not make their lives easier. Drivers have reasons to complain too, as there are not enought parking places near the buildings of Tarnow City Council. This project needs to be considered in the light of currently generated costs connected with operating and maintanace expenses of seven separate buildings of City Council, located in different parts of Tarnow. However, the issue of constructing the Administrative Centre needs to be deeply considered in terms of the probable costs, as the results of it will influence the city budget in the following years.

- Looking at it in a rational way - an office building where inhabitants of the city, also those with disabilities, could be provided with service in comfortable conditions is needed in Tarnow. We are in possesion of appropriate elaborations on and analyses of surveys, where this need is directly visible. But will such a centre really be created in Tarnow? - the authorities of the city have not yet taken this decision. A discussion is still needed - says Dorota Kunc- Pławecka, the spokesperson of the president of Tarnow.

The workers of the city council mention that, apart from a partnership agreement with a constructor, the project can also be carried out by setting up a special company or partnership, by issuing bonds or by taking out a loan.

It is also worth noting that after the possible relocation of the officials to the Administration Centre, buildings would be rented out or sold.

Brak Oceny

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