Tenants satisfied with Warsaw Financial Center

Warsaw Financial Center
Five companies enlarged their offices or extended lease agreements in WFC
Five companies extended lease agreements in Warsaw Financial Center building. Transactions included jointly nearly 1500 sq. m of office and service space.

Bain & Company Poland, PayPal Poland and Panattoni Western Poland Managements increased offices rented by now. Pekao S.A. bank, in turn, signed a new lease agreement of service space for the term of 10 years. Starbucks café will be located in the office for the same time. Amrest Coffe company appreciated the offer of the office as well as location on the ground floor where entresol and outside garden in the neighborhood of Świętokrzyska Street will be at its disposal.


We are glad that our tenants develop themselves and not only extend agreements, but also increase areas occupied in WFC. We continuously aspire our solutions to meet the most exorbitant standards of present tenants – comments Artur Lis, Asset Manager in Tristan Capital Partners.


Warsaw Financial Center is located at the crossroads of Emilia Plater and Świętokrzyska Streets. The building offers jointly 50 000 sq. m of rental space class A+ and 350 parking places. 32-storey structure was commissioned in 1998. The portfolio of WFC tenants includes over 60 companies. From the end of 2012, Warsaw Financial Center is owned by Allianz Real Estate and Curzon Capital Partners III, an investment fund managed by Tristan Capital Partners.


Brak Oceny

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