

Olimp in Star Silesia

The lease agreement concerning the area assigned for gastronomic activity in the Star Silesia office located in Katowice was finalized by the owner of the Olimp brand – Gastromall Group.

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ECO Kainos Software develops in Tryton

The Irish Kainos company, which is specialized in applications for the health care system and companies from the financial industry and public sector, rented 2500 sq. m in Tryton Business House – an office which is being realized by Echo Investment in Gdańsk – with a possibility of expansion.

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ECO New tenants in Nimbus occupy 6500 sq. m

The IMMOFINANZ Group partnership signed two lease agreements in the Nimbus office building located in Warsaw. The Euler Hermes insurance and financial group and the operator of telecommunications services, that is Intelligent Technologies, joined the group of tenants in the structure.

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