First tenants in Carpathia

Carpathia in Warsaw
Carpathia in Warsaw
Carpathia in Warsaw is rented almost in 45 per cent thanks to two new tenants – that is legal office and consulting company.

Carpathia Office House building gained two new tenants who will occupy jointly over 1920 sq. m, which constitutes over 43 per cent of the whole lease area. Chajec, Don-Siemion & Żyto legal office will occupy 1100 sq. m, whereas Mc Stone consulting company decided to rent 840 sq. m. The office is represented by international CBRE consulting company and Fisheye agency from Cracow.


The investor of Carpathia is Cracow GD&K Group developer. The investment is a small and elegant office which offers office area class A. Carpathia is situated in Warsaw Powiśle district at the crossroads of Topiel and Zajęcza Streets. The structure will offer ca. 4500 sq. m of office area on six aboveground tiers. Moreover, the users will have two underground tiers at their disposal where car park with 36 parking places will be located. There will be modern technological solutions applied in the building which will be powered by two independent cable lines, underground car park and electronic access control system. The arrangement of space will be possible in both office and „open space” setting. Carpathia will be commissioned at the beginning of 2015.


The elegant character of the building as well as its location in a prestigious Powiśle district sign themselves into a character of work of new Carpathia tenants. We believe that this perfect combination of unique architecture and dynamically developing neighborhood will positively influence on effectiveness of work – comments Radosław Pawlak, Assistant Manager of Office Area Department in CBRE.


Brak Oceny

Tags: GD&K
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