ECO Citibank in T-Mobile Office Park

T-Mobile Office Park in Warsaw
T-Mobile Office Park in Warsaw
Citi Citibank opens Service Center in Warsaw Ghelamco complex in Mokotów.

Citibank International plc company has leased 4,600 sqm. office space located in Warsaw Mokotów T-Mobile Office Park complex. Citi Service Center will be opened in the new space. The tenant will move into the building in mid-2014. During the transaction Citibank was advised by DTZ Polska. The lease agreement was signed for 5 years.

Citibank International plc is part City Service Center Poland initiative cooperating with other City enterprises from around the world and providing services to 54 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa , Americas and Australia. The company, among others, is responsible for monitoring of anti-money laundering activities, handling banking operations, securities and investment funds, settlement of claims and payments, technological control functions and supports information and communications technology infrastructure.

T-Mobile Business Park complex is the latest office project of Ghelamco, completed in May 2013. At the end of June the main tenant - T-Mobile moved in to the building. The investment offers 40 000 sqm. office space and is located at Marynarska 12 Street in Warsaw. Office space is leased in 80 per cent, where Citibank after T-Mobile is the second the tenant. The complex is the first office project in Poland, which received BREEAM certification at the highest Excellent level and at the same time a sixth building of Ghelamco portfolio with environmental certification.

Brak Oceny

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