Another lessee in Business Garden

Visualisation shows Business Garden Warszawa
Visualisation shows Business Garden Warszawa
A new lessee is to appear in Business Garden. In june next year Europejski Fundusz Leasingowy will start operating in the building.


SwedeCenter company, investor of Business Center Warszawa complex, signed a lease contract with Europejski Fundusz Leasingowy. From the start of june next year, the new lessee will occupy 2000 m2 of office area on the sixth floor of second bulding of the currently realised investment stage. CBRE company mediated in the lease transaction.

As Joanna Kalinowska from CBRE comments: We're pleased with Europejski Fundusz Leasingowy's cooperation. Business Garden is the optimal office location. We're especially happy with the complex's "green" image - it has been an important criterion from the very beginning of our partnership with the Client.

SwedeCenter company realises Business Garden projects in Warsaw, Poznań and Wrocław. Warsaw's complex is being erected at the junction of Żwirki i Wigury and 1 sierpnia St. The stage that's currently being realised consists of two structures. The first offers 15 400 m2 of area intended for offices, conference hall, hotel, restaurant, cafeteria, and services. Second building of the complex offers office areas with a total space of 18 000 m2. Completion of investment's first stage buildings is planned for third quarter of this year.

Managing Director SwedeCenter, Roger Andersson says: The process of Business Garden first stage's commercialisation is going according to our expectations. In the last two months we've rented out 60% of office area available in second building.

Brak Oceny

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