Scala Plastics Poland has rented 1 580 m2 of warehouse area with an office-social module in Alliance Silesia Logistics Center. It is going to move in july this year.
Scala Plastics Poland is a branch of Belgian PCV gutter systems producer and the only distributor of products from manufacturers such as Owens Corning, SVK, Palram, Stora Drain, Fitt, Green Life, Rotomade. Alliance Silesia Logistics Center building is located in Czeladź. The logistical center has 90 000 m2 of distribution area. Its main lessees are, among others Eurocash, Gefco, Logista and Rohlig Suus S.A.
Wojciech Dachniewski, Industrial and Warehouse Areas Divisions' negotiator at Cushman & Wakefield company explains, that currently small warehouse areas ( up to 2000 m2) enjoy large amount of interest in Śląsk, while their availability is dropping.