

Tekten on National Stadium

In the middle of December of the current year, a new tenant is going to move into the National Stadium – Tekten Sp. z o.o. In the process of negotiations, the company was represented by Walter Herz agency.

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New tenants in Konstruktorska

New tenants – Zdrofit fitness club and Bilans Advisory and Accounting Company Sp. z o.o. have just moved into Konstruktorska Business Center office. The partnerships will occupy jointly 1450 sq. m.

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ECO New Liebrecht & wooD office in Poland

Liebrecht & wood Group started the activity in a new office in Plac Unii in Warsaw. The main headquarters of the investor of the complex occupies nearly 1400 sq. m of office space. The employees of all partnerships, which are the members of the Group, are relocated there.

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