Griffin Group extended lease contracts to tenants in Lubicz Office Center

Lubicz Office Center, pic CBL
Interiors in the structure, pic CBL
Lumesse and Bank Zachodni WBK will remain tenants of locals in Lubicz Office Center. Griffin Group decided to extend lease agreements to applicants concerning office area in the structure located in Cracow till 2020.

Two tenants have jointly over 2 thousand sq. m at their disposal. Lumesse organization, which is professionally engaged in delivering technological solutions due to recruitment process of employees, chose Lubicz Office Center for its headquarters. The only Polish department of the company will be working on the area of ca. 1,7 thousand sq. m. The another agreement concerns letting of office area by Bank Zachodni WBK. The office with the space not exceeding 500 sq. m was adopted for the needs of activities concerning this bank institution. The agreement between the owner of the structure in the area of use regarding the available space is supposed to remain in force for 66 months. 


It is worth emphasizing that Griffin Real Estate platform will have managed the lease area of 2 Cracow buildings till April 2014. The investor is currently the owner of the office complex class A: Lubicz Office Center and Lubicz II Office Center. There are such companies as Deutsche Bank, BNP Pairbas, PWC, International Paper and Capital Infusion on the list of foregoing tenants concerning this investment.  


The structures have locals intended for lease with the total area of ca. 21 thousand sq. m. The bigger one, which was built in 2000, performs service and office functions. Lubicz II Office Center was realized 9 years later in a more smaller form. Its rentable area amounts to 5,8 thousand sq. m. 

Brak Oceny

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