TMS Brokers moves to Skylight

Skylight in Warsaw
Skylight in Warsaw
The Brokerage House TMS Brokers chose Skylight in the center of Warsaw for its new headquarters.

The new headquarters of TMS Brokers is located at Złota 59 Street. The Brokerage House rented offices on the 15th floor of Skylight office building, where is going to move in March 2014. The company is the first and oldest brokerage house specializing in forex market and derivatives trading.

The 23 – floor tower Skylight located at Emilia Plater Street belongs to the famed Złote Tarasy complex, offering office, retail and entertainment objects. The property is located in the direct neighborhood of Warsaw Central Railway Station and also close to the Metro Centrum. The building offers office space on eighteen floors - from level 5 to 22 Users of the building have also four-tier underground car park available with approximately 1,600 parking spaces.

During the transaction, experts from Jones Lang LaSalle were advisors. The combination of such advantages as high standard of the building, prestigious location and excellent access to public transport influenced TMS Brokers decision to open the office in the Skylight building - said Anna Kaźmierska, Senior Consultant in the Department of Office Rental Jones Lang LaSalle.

Jones Lang LaSalle is the agency responsible for attracting new tenants and renegotiation of existing leases in Skylight office building.


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leszek :
TMS wcześniej wynajmował powierzchnię w budynku Millennium Plaza. Powodem zmiany lokalizacji było zaniedbanie części wspólnych biurowca przez właścicela biurowca - brak malowania korytarzy wspólnych, lobby windowego i klatek schodowych przez 10 ostatnich lat.
April 13, 2014 at 11:02 AM