Get Base – a sole leaseholder of Wyczółkowski Business Center

Wyczółkowski Business Center in Cracow
Wyczółkowski Business Center in Cracow
Get Base will move in to the Wyczółkowski Business Center office building in Cracow.

The leaseholder will take the space of the office building in the beginning of the present year. The owner of Wyczółkowski Business Center is the company Wawel Business Center, represented in the transaction by Knight Frank.


Wyczółkowski Business Center is located by Park Jordana and Cracow's Błonia by Wyczółkowska 7 St. This intimate, four-storey high office building offers 1400 sqm of space with about 390 sqm on each floor. The advantages of the location are: good communication with the rest of the city, proximity of Main Square and Balice Airport. The author of its project is Marcin Stelmach from architectural office Architektura Pasywna Pyszczek i Stelmach sp.j. Wyczółkowski Business Center is the second project of this investor after Wawel Business Center, which has also been created in cooperation with this architect.


The location offers an underground parking lot and a separate parking for bicycles. The building is equipped with air-conditioning, free to open windows, 24 hours monitoring, modern, fast elevator and three separate wirings (for telephone, electric and computer lines).


Get Base operates in the area of modern software for business, which can be used for keeping the relations with clients.  

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bf :
Przy ulicy Wyczółkowskiego - nie Wyczółkowskiej
December 10, 2013 at 11:10 AM