PAIiIZ's summer break record

9 new enterprises are investing in Poland. They are going to spend close to 130 million Euro and create over 1500 workplaces.

In just two summer months Polska Agencja Informacji i Inwestycji Zagranicznych has convinced 9 entrepreneurs to locate their investments in Poland. The projects' combined value is close to 130 million Euro. Thanks to them 1667 new workplaces are goping to be created in coming years.

The value of projects conlcuded in first 8 months of year 2011 has increased by 64% - from 585.5 million Euro in parallel period of 2010 to 961.8 million Euro in this year. Also higher is the average value of a concluded project - currently it's 27.5 million Euro comparet to 15.8 million Euro last year.

More and more projects concern services and know-how industry. Apart from BPO and research-development sector, automotive and food industries have played a significant role. Most projects came from USA, Japan and France. Close to a third of all investors chose SSEs as a location for their project's execution.

Tags: PAIiIZ
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