EmiTel company in Fronton Office Center

EmiTel company rented 983 sq. m. of office area located in Fronton Office Center in Cracow.
EmiTel company rented 983 sq. m. of office area located in Fronton Office Center in Cracow.
Cracow. Operator of ground radio-television and tower infrastructure has rented nearly a thousand sq. m. of office area.


Completed in april this year, Cracow's office building Fronton Office Center on Kamienna 21 St. offers its lessees over 5 500 m2 of office area. It has provided its clients over 170 parking areas located in an undergrounf garage and internal parking lot.

Nearly a fifth of Fronton Office Center, situated in Małopolskie voivodeship's capital, is going to be uccupied by EmiTel company, which rented 983 m2 of office area. The operator of Poland's ground radio-television and tower infrastructure, who also participates in works relating to digitization of radio-television emissions, as well as supports the development of modern wireless connection systems, was being represented during the transaction by a consulting firm Cushman & Wakefield.

This Cracow building's developer is Przedsiębiorstwo Budownictwa i Obrotu Towarowego FRONTON, which which operates activity primarily in the area of construction and lease of office area in and around Cracow, construction and sale of apartments ( investment realization starting from purchase of grounds, through design to performing and handing ower tha apartments to tenants) as well as projects and performance of electric, inner and outer sanitary, water-sewage, gas and central heating installations.

FRONTON employs around  170 workers, a highly qualified and experienced engineer cadre as well as professionals in all specialisations, distinguished by multilateral vocational training from construction to economic and legal matters.


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