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How much does the president of the biggest stock exchange company earn?

According to the report made by Sedlak&Sedlak, the median of salaries of the presidents of the biggest companies in 2012 oscillated on the level of 1,23 million zlotys.

Median of the salaries of the biggest companies’ presidents was almost three times bigger from median of earnings of presidents of other companies – claims Iwona Wabik from Sedlak&Sedlak. According to the report ‘Earnings of the chairmen of companies present on stock exchange in 2012’, managers working in companies included in WIG20, mWIG40 and sWIG80 indexes had the highest income.

Taken into account were the presidents of the biggest companies which worked in the entire 2012. Median of their earnings reached 1,23 million zlotys per year, while in the case of presidents of other companies it was 436,5 million zlotys. Differences in case of the vice-presidents’ earnings reached 716 000 zlotys. Chairmen of companies included in WIG20, mWIG40 and sWIG80 made almost twice as much as everyone else. The smallest differences in terms of earnings were noted in the case of proxies. Plenipotentiaries of boards of the biggest companies earned 158 500 zlotys while their counterparts in other companies – 180 000 zlotys.

Median of a one year earnings gross of managers at different positions
(Only the employees who worked the entire year)
  Companies included in WIG20, mWIG40 and sWIG80 Other companies
President 1 227 000 436 500
Vice-president 1 072 000 356 000
Chairman 861 000 340 000
Proxy 158 500 180 000
Total 953 000 364 000

Source: Report ‘Earnings of the chairmen of companies present on stock exchange in 2012’, Sedlak&Sedlak.

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