Wroclaw more attractive than Warsaw

For specialists and managers, Wroclaw is the most attractive place for work in Poland. Warsaw comes in second.

The contemporary labour market often requires mobility from specialists and managers. It can be easily observed especially in branches of engineering and trade. In a research conducted by Antal International, over 63 percent of the respondents are willing to change their place of living after receiving an attractive job offer. Among the most mobile are lawyers (77 percent), managers (72 percent) and logisticians (71 percent). The percentage of those who have actually moved for those reasons in the last year was 19 percent.

According to 52 percent of the respondents, the most attractive place to work in is Wrocław. Next are Warsaw and Cracow with 51 and 46 percent respectively. Szczecin and Poznań, due to the proximity with our western neighbors, are also often mentioned. Presently, these cities are also developing very fast. Let us not forget about Łódź, which is developing very well in terms of industry, and Katowice, where heavy industry, primarily mining, is raising – claims Aleksandra Kujawa, IT manager in Antal International.

Cities mentioned above provide the highest salaries as well. This in turn directly influences employees’ mobility. Candidates earning less than 5 thousand gross form a very active group which tries to change their job. Those who earn more than 7,5 thousand are looking for work passively or not looking for it at all. What’s more, the study shows that candidates below 30 years of age and who have a satisfying salary, contrary to what is presented in the media, are not as willing to change their workplace as any older age group – informs Aleksandra Kujawa.

For 74 percent of the respondents, a bigger salary is a factor which could influence their decision of changing their job. Other important criteria are also contract of employment (69 percent) and a possibility of professional improvement (47 percent). If we have a niche specialist, who generates big income for the company, we need to keep him financially satisfied. It’s very important to invest in your employees and help them improve. They’ll stay with us for years if they’ll feel appreciated – advises Aleksandra Kujawa.

Polish specialists and managers are some of the best educated employees in the world. They receive job offers not only from Polish, but also from foreign companies. They are in high demand all over the world. We work hard and are well educated. Moreover, their level of linguistic competence is constantly growing and the worker related costs are still lower than in Western Europe or in the United States. That’s why companies often invest inside Poland, but also set up their own departments here so they could make use of Polish employees. We are just motivated and never become complacent. This is highly appreciated worldwide – sums up Aleksandra Kujawa.

Brak Oceny

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