Experts from intelligent construction sector met in Cracow.

Reports from

The beginning of the IBTMM 2013 conference
Between the 16th and 18th of October a first international conference Intelligent Building Technologies & Multimedia Management IBTMM 2013.

Over the three days it has attracted over 400 people interested in the intelligent construction. They exchanged their experiences in terms of automatized control, using renewable sources of energy, construction technologies and multimedia information management systems.


Three main conferences took place in course of the IBTMM 2013. The first of them, 7th Congress on Intelligent Building Systems InBuS 2013, dealt with the matter of newest solutions for architecture and construction of intelligent buildings, methods of automatic security control, comfort and flow of information, methods for implementing the artificial intelligence in building's management and energetic issues in the buildings.


The second conference was the 10th International Conference New Building Technologies and Architectural Design NBTAD 2013. The gathered were able to participate in its various lectures concerning architectural and construction design in relation to executive problems connected with new technologies.


The last part of the event, 1st Integrated Multimedia Systems Conference IMSC 2013, presented various equipment and technologies, such as projection and sound systems, telemedical systems, control and visualization as well as Digital Signage systems.


Apart from the lecture part of the conference, the participants were able to see the representative stations of companies which sponsored the event. Moreover, the participants could've seen the special product presentations as well as take part in exit session in the Jagiellonian University's Campus of 600 – years of UJ's restoration, combined with a visitation of one of the buildings and BMS security centre.


The first day of the conference was finished by a festive gala in Wieliczka Salt Mine with a unique presentation of audio-visual mapping procured by Wizja Sp. Z o.o. and produced by Piotr Szabliński. The executive producer of this first underground mapping was Dr. Grzegorz Augustyn.


The organizers of the IBTMM 2013 conference were: AGH in Cracow, Technical University of Cracow, Lesser Poland Province, Emmerson Lumico and Lockus. Another edition of IBTMM 2013 is planned for the year 2015.   

Brak Oceny

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