Market intelligence brings competitiveness

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On the 12th of September in Warsaw, a debate concerning market intelligence in real estate sector took place.

In last Thursday, the DTZ's seat in Warsaw became a platform for discussion called 'Market intelligence in real estate sector'. The organizers of the meeting were DTZ and Polish department of Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals (SCIP).

The aim of the meeting was to raise standards in terms of conducting of transactions on real estate market, including the investment transactions requiring significant funds and rent deals. One can notice an increase in interest of developers and investors with new local markets, which, even though they're proficient, are more complicated from already known and proven markets. During the debate, the due diligence study in real estate was discussed and the frame of analysis, which can limit the risk taken by investors and developers, was presented.

The due diligence study is an important tool in the process of purchasing of real estate from the institutional investors. It facilitates the decision process and makes up for a basic source of information about the loaning subject for the financing bank. Moreover, the proper procuring of the study allows one to identify the market and limit the investment risk. The due diligence process leads to the creation of knowledge about a given real estate, which couldn't be gathered even by the property owner.

In the process of gathering information about the real estate, one has to be able to look outside the box and focus not only on the basic areas of analysis – says Łukasz Maciak, MRICS Director in Capital Markets DTZ. When inviting our guests, we wanted to show that the choice of research frame and gathering complete information on investment in real estate sector is vary important and may bring a competitive edge on the market. We want for our customers to avoid unprofitable investments and to know about every risk connected with transactions and assets turnover on the commercial real estate market.

The meeting was divided on short speeches during which the experts have shared their knowledge concerning the criteria for limitations of due diligence research, presented polish market of business intelligence and rival intelligence from United States and Western Europe. The participants also discussed the non-standard threats possible during the investment in real estate and symptoms of financial unreliability of a commercial space leaseholder.

We believe, that our clients deserve not only the typical studies and analysis, which are regularly published, but also the exchange of experiences and news from the market or modern solutions, that's why, in the future we plan to make more events like this one – said Łukasz Maciak.         

Brak Oceny

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