Battle over talents

Polish employers are looking for talented and flexible employees. The importance of HR departments is growing.

Battle over talents is world number one trend – says Małgorzata Wnęk-Kolaska, Senior Manager Human Capital Team Leader at Deloitte. The company issued „Trendy w HR 2013” (Trends in HR 2013) report according to which employers find talented and flexible employers more and more important.

The most significant trend in Poland is the change of the relations between company management and HR. Human Resources departments are becoming an important partner for management which is looking for support HR can provide for business – explains Małgorzata Wnęk-Kolaska.

The report is based on surveys conducted in 1300 companies in 59 countries. It shows that the type of business leaders is changing worldwide. They need to be more flexible and quickly adjust to new circumstances. Over 60 percent of respondents in the world (51 percent in Poland) stressed that talented employees have great significance. In contrast to what we have thought so far talent is not a chosen, selected group of employees. It is rather that talent is a person who has competences which are most needed at a given time. One can has universal competences but there are also competences which are particularly attractive for a particular business kind. Such a person is then a talent for the organization or branch. The asset should be used when looking for a relation with such branches – explains Wnęk-Kolaska.

In Poland we can see growing importance of the HR policies in company management. HR managers have growing influence on the decisions made in the company. Over 60 percent of the respondents said that HR departments and new systems of HR management are rearranged to accelerate the development of companies.

Both employers and employees need to adjust to the new trend. A trend which is important for everyone is the increasing flexibility, accepting various forms of cooperation and various forms of action, which means changes for employees, different ways of communicating with employees to attract and keep talents. It is also a challenge for employees who have different ambitions and are looking for different attractive forms of work to open for new forms of employment different from the ones so far preferred – says Małgorzata Wnęk-Kolaska.

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