ECO An ecological iniciative of Skanska

Picture of the green office in Skanska Property Poland
Picture of the green office in Skanska Property Poland
Skanska, together with STENA, introduce Scandinavian solutions in an office building in Warsaw.

In an office building of Skanska Property Poland solutions concerning sustainable development have been introduced. Skanska established cooperation with a Scandinavian company STENA, whose program assures complex solutions in the field of recyclable materials’ management. This system is based on three pillars: waste segregation containers’ supply, suitable logistics providing and ecological education among the office employees.

Currently, the campaign focuses on 10 kinds of waste, such as: paper, aluminum, screw caps, batteries or dangerous waste (like CD’s or paints). It is planned to broaden the catalogue of products collected by STENA. The effects of this initiative are satisfying – during 4 weeks, 50 employees of the office have collected 26kg of newspapers, 1kg of office paper, 13kg of glass, 4kg of foil and 20kg of used electronic and electric devices.

 Katarzyna Unold, Sustainable Development Manager in Skanska Property Poland, says: To obtain optimal results, the consciousness of companies that rent the certified office space is very important. That is why out slogan is: “Changing small habits, affect the big matters”.

The solution, which functions in the office of Skanska Property Poland in Warsaw is planned to be facilitated to other tenants in the office investments realized by the company.

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