The Silk Road – a chance for domestic regions

The Silk Road – a chance for domestic regions

The Europe-China Investment Forum was held on 9th November in Brussels. The mission statement of the conference was cooperation of the European regions with the Asian giant. Poland was represented by e.g. chairman of PAIiIZ Sławomir Majman and marshall of Łódź Voivodship Witold Stępień.

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Third line of metro in Warsaw by the end of 2030

Third line of metro in Warsaw by the end of 2030

The city of Warsaw submitted a list of transport investments planned in the years 2021 – 2030 to the Mazovian Voivodship Local Assembly on 10th November this year. It includes a project concerning building of metro on the passage from the National Stadium to Gocław.

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Control in social media

Control in social media

Employers are trying to control more and more frequently a potential candidate in social media in respect of content or used vocabulary during a recruitment process.

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