Credit paradise?

Increase of investment financing on the property market in our region has been noticed for 12 months. Banks are most favourable for office investments.

Poland was found in first trio of countries in Middle Europe and East Europe in which condition of property market in evaluation of banks is the best - it results from report "Barometr koniunktury na rynku finansowania sektora nieruchomości w krajach Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej w roku 2011” ("Barometer of economic situation in the financing property sector in Middle Europe and East Europe in 2011") prepared by KPMG company.

According to report's authors, increase of investment financing on the property market in our region has been noticed for 12 months, however situations is described as still unsettled and banks keep restrictive criteria of advancing loans and credits for investors and developers. In Poland banks are most favourable for office investments.

Austria got a 1st place in a KPMG ranking. In this country, banks are equally interested in industrial crediting, office investments and those investments which are connected with retail trade. The Czech Republic had a second place in this ranking, and Poland got a third place. Other places went to : Slovakia, Romania, Serbia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovenia. In banks' evaluation the worst situation is in Baltic countries.

Report was devised on the base of informations aquired during surveys carried out with representatives of over 50 banks.

Brak Oceny

Tags: KPMG
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