Real joy for enthusiasts of single-track vehicles in Business Garden Warszawa

A new program of free rent of bicycles started on 1st April this year and it is available for all employees of Business Garden Warszawa. The program will last till the end of summer, that is 30th September.

Employees of Business Garden Warszawa have a chance to rent bicycles in their workplace for free from 1st April this year. The aim of the event "Ale Jazda" organized within the Hospitality program is to enable tenants to test an alternative means of transport in commuting to and from their workplace. All employees of the Warsaw complex may participate in the event. This initiative will last till the end of 30th September this year.


A system of public bicycles BikeSmart, which provided 25 single-track vehicles, was implemented for the purpose of the program. The bicycles may be rented many times for the period of three days. The usage of equipment with a wheelclamp and GPS locator is possible thanks to application in smartphones called "Bitlock". The software enables unlocking and locking the mechanism of a lock as well as locating all available bicycles on the map of the city. In comparison to other public bicycle systems, the solution implemented by us does not require dedicated parking places on the area of the city. People who use bicycles during the program may leave them in any place they want – on a street, in front of a house or on the metro station. However, after 72-hour period of rent, the bicycles have to be given back on a parking place on the area of a garden in Business Garden – Sebastian Zimmermann, Property Manager of Hospitality Vastint Poland, says. Due to signals from our tenants, we are convinced that the free system of renting bicycles will arouse great interest. An additional asset of the program is the fact that we provide parking places, changing-rooms and showers for bicyclists on the area of Business Garden – Zimmermann adds.


Hospitality program constitutes an inseparable element of the concept of business parks of Business Garden and it is a perfect example of combining business functions with hospitality in a workplace. The formula of the program implemented by Vastint allows to create packages of services, which are compliant with expectations of tenants and engage them in the process of managing the quality of services.

Brak Oceny

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