DL Center Point Częstochowa – new office in Silesia

DL Center Point Częstochowa, pic DL Invest Group
DL Center Point Częstochowa, pic DL Invest Group
A former building of PZU will be completely redeveloped at the crossroads of Jagiellońska Street and 11 Listopada Avenue. An office class A will arise in place of it.

A demand for modern office infrastructure is increasing in Częstochowa. This new building will be the third one of such type in the city. The earlier lack of such investments was caused by i.a. great amount of existing utility premises and decline after big national companies.


A modern DL Center Point Częstochowa, which is located in the southern part of the city, will offer over 6 thousand sq. m intended for letting, 3 588 sq. m of which will be intended for office areas, whereas remaining 2 483 sq. m will be occupied by commercial and service premises. The last ones will arise in additional ground floor part of the complex, which will be built on within development of existing edifice. Moreover, a 4-star hotel will be built within the complex. The completion of the construction is planned on the first half of 2015. The cost of the investment totals ca. 6,5 million zlotys.


DL Center Point investment was recorded in the Urban Revitalization Program. It is supposed to stimulate economically the surroundings, in which it is located and contribute to creation of new work places.


The investor is DL Invest Group – a partnership from Katowice which functions according to private equity fund.

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Częstochowa historycznie,kulturowo i etniczne to małopolska nie sląsk proszę poprawić artykuł i napisać nie rażąco.
Po prostu w Częstochowie
May 9, 2019 at 9:28 AM