„Koga” Administration and Service Center is topped out

„Koga” Administration and Service Center, pic Dariusz Kula
A perch hung above KOGA Administration and Service Center
A symbolic ceremony was held on Thursday 26 February 2015 to commemorate the completion of construction works in Gdańsk office.

„Koga” Administration and Service Center is located in the neighborhood of a seaport and the Pomeranian Logistics Center. A 6-tier office will deliver jointly 7 060 sq. m intended for lease on the market in Tricity. The building of this property started in the second half of 2014. The general contractor is DORACO Sp. z o.o. Construction Corporation.


 „KOGA” office is a response to a successively increasing demand for office areas in close neighborhood of the port. This tendency mainly concerns companies from marine transport industry, which results from a dynamic development of the port as well as the scale of the investment in this part of the city. The unquestionable asset of this office is location. On the one hand – it guarantees the proximity to a port wharf, and on the other hand – (thanks to a tunnel which is currently being realized under Dead Vistula and Trasa Sucharskiego) it provides a fast access to national roads, highways and airport – says Chairman in Pomeranian Economic Development Agency, Alan Aleksandrowicz.


The building in Gdańsk was designed in accordance with energy saving criteria. The air-air heating recovery pumps were applied in the heating and cooling system. Moreover, the waste heat from the process of cooling in the office part will be used in order to heat the warm water. 


There will be also service locals, canteen and kindergarten located in the Center as well as recreation zone situated outside the building.  

Brak Oceny

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