PeKaBud begins masonry works on Warsaw Spire

Warsaw Spire will increase the office space in Warsaw by 100 000 m2.
Warsaw Spire will increase the office space in Warsaw by 100 000 m2.
PeKaBud begins masonry works on Ghelamco – Warsaw Spire.

PeKaBud has informed about signing a contract with the investor of the Warsaw Spire – Ghelamco project from Warsaw. The scope of the works includes the general masonry works for the entire building. The expected number of masonry wall will amount to 45 000 m2.

Warsaw Spire is being built in Grzybowska, Łucka, Towarowa I Wronia block of streets. The complex, construction of which begun in 2011, is going to have a 100 000 m2. Warsaw Spire is going to consist of three main edifices – A, B and C. The building A is planned to have 180 metres in height (220 with spires). The two smaller buildings will be 55 metres each. The complex is being built according to requirements of BREEAM environmental certification system. The Frontex agency is going to be the first lessee.

The contract in question is not the first one between PeKaBud and Ghelamco. By the end of the June, 2013 the contractor finalised works on the project Łopuszańska Business Park which consisted of masonry as well as the finishing works of the buildings. Other projects that are part of their portfolio are masonry works on the Mokotów Nova and Crown Square.

PeKaBud is active since 1987 and specialise in construction projects on the principle of general construction as well as the following types of works: finishing, masonry, electric, sanitary and demolition.

Brak Oceny

Tags: Ghelamco
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